Monday, December 3, 2007

Monday Evening....December 3rd, 2007

Linda is doing pretty good today........

Linda's blood pressure is up and bit and the pulse is a bit high...but much preferred to that low stuff!

Today we went to the clinic to get the monitor hooked measures Linda's pulse for 24 hours as she engages in her different activities...and she has to document what she is doing at all times so the clinician can figure out if there is a problem....

We also went to the lab to have the blood draws and injections to measure something in the blood which we don't quite understand..the bad news is ....neither did they....the lab couldn't get blood ....they also couldn't give the injection....a nurse had to do it..and the nearest department with a nurse had to read about the probably figured with all this, that a "time out" was needed..and that's just what we did..we said we would rather have them get their act together rather than trying to figure it out as we sat there..they agreed and tomorrow we go back....

Linda had some energy to go Christmas shopping we got things started..we only have this week as next week Linda will be starting another's been hard convincing the kinds that this timeline is important....continuous reminders are being sent out.

Our hope is that Linda's days will be easier as this week goes along......we plan on doing our "valley Christmas" visits done this weekend.....

Thanks for all the comments and suggestions coming in....Linda reads a highlight of her day.



Anonymous said...

Hello Linda and Dave,
Just want you both to know that we continue to follow your journey. As we just returned from our trip to New Zealand, we started to review your ups and downs beginning mid-Oct. when we left. We know that you have many family members and friends who are ready and willing to support you when you need them. We did think of you both often and as Dave said something to the effect of "Life is not predictable". How great that you have each other and those 27 or 29 years have allowed you to build such a wonderful commitment to each other!! Love to you both, Kay and John Garica

Unknown said...

Dave and Linda you and only you can decide when a timeout is needed..Just keep following your instincts. Linda is making it through this because of those instincts (and lots of prayers). Glad you are up to the task of Christmas shopping, I think mine is done and now I can really enjoy the season...God Bless..

Anonymous said...

I bet next time they will have their act together when the situation arises again. Linda, I thought maybe you would get out of going Christmas shopping but hey that is part of Christmas, motherhood and womanhood to get out there and shop, right. Love to you both,
Janet and Ken

Anonymous said...

Hey there lady! Thinking about you today, was talking about you to my reading class actually. All good stuff, of course! They're all hoping they get a glimpse of this incredible woman called "Mom" someday. You'll have to come by Friday and meet my kids! Sending you beams of sunshine and love.