Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday Evening...December 22nd, 2007

Not a bad day today...

I awoke to Linda feverishly baking in the's the Linda thing....particularly around holidays...the good message is it meant she was feeling good.....and she was. It seems the low neutropenic point has been passed and she should have a good week ahead. Her pulse only reached the concern point once today and as soon as she slowed did too.

I had a crappy night with blood pressure issues..but today I managed to keep it pretty much in check...being somewhat immobile for most of the day.

Janine came today and we had a good cooked dinner...we've not been at our best cooking in the last while. Tomorrow we are all going to our old church in Bend.....Linda will be able to see folks she hasn't seen in a long time...and she will look her "old self".


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A Merry Christmas to you both. It sounds like things will be gentle and calm and positive and restful for awhile. And Dave, keep your feet up and your BP down. :-)

I hope your time with family and friends is more than you even dreamed of. And I hope that 2008 brings only great news and constantly improving health.

Hugs to you both. And I'll keep you wrapped in that golden glow.
