Thursday, December 20, 2007

Thursday Evening......December 20th

Not so bad today....

Today was a pretty quiet day...we didn't get up too early..trying to be easy on ourselves. Linda's pulse has been elevated but comes back down when she focuses on it.

Monday we are scheduled with the hospital counselor..put that together today. tomorrow we go to the Clinic to get the neutropenic see if Linda is "on her way down " or "heading up" (in terms of blood counts)....the prediction is Saturday will be the bottom point...tomorrow will give good clues though as to her well being in terms of the counts.

Linda has been baking again today..her therapy......

Janine comes Saturday.....stays for several days

Wendy, Chris and Taigen come Monday afternoon...leave Wednesday am

Jim, Jenn and Jillian come Monday afternoon...leave Wednesday am

Jeff comes sometime Monday and leaves Christmas night or Wednesday.



Unknown said...

You two have a very Merry Christmas. Sounds like you will be surrounded by family. That is probably the best medicine there is.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you will have family and additional support and help for several days. Take care of yourselves and keep calm which it sounds like you are working on that part too.

Kay and John

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you both a very Merry Christmas as we'll be away from our computer over the holidays.

We hope the visit with family does you both a world of good!

shelly & jason paul

Anonymous said...

Hope you two have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and enjoy your time with family.

Looking forward to seeing you in 2008!


Cheryl Jones said...

Having family around you will help you feel your best and will give you a chance to let others take over some of the duties around the house.

I wish both of you a happy, peaceful holiday. Take it easy, enjoy yourselves and laugh a lot. It will help you both improve your condition.

My love to you both.