Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday Evening...December 6th, 2007

A busy day today....

Linda and I seem to be "at it " all day...not "at each other" but rather "at it"......

First shopping in Bend......not overly successful..found out all those things kids wanted on their list were NOT at the stores they said they were...what they did was sit at home....look it up on the internet sites...and ...and. I have learned that next year (as well as some of it this year) to stay at home and order it off the internet...GO AMAZON! We are slooowwww learners but now we get it.

We then had a nice lunch and conversation with the Hennessys'..great couple from Sunriver....

We then went home to pack and drive to the Portland..over the mountain pass. The pass was supposed to freeze up...and...and. But we went through in a breeze before the nasty weathe set in...bonus for us!

We did some shopping on the way up the valley to success..but some things we got....tomorrow and Saturday we have time to do some more shopping....tonight I go online to Amazon and knock a bunch of stuff off the lists.

Tonight we are at Daughter Janine's. Tomorrow night we have dinner and all with friend Nancy in Portland and spend the night. What is neat is she lives on the Willamette River and the boats parade up and down the river after dark with decorations and holiday lights....pretty neat. Saturday night we go to Linda's friend (and insurance agent) Judy and spend the evening and night..Judy and Roman have recently built a new home outside Salem ....we look forward to the visit. On Sunday Linda's siblings get to gether (Brother Norman, Sister Karen annd Brother in law Ray, and Brother Marlin and Sister in law Joni) at Karens...and then home Sunday night (to rest after all this).

Enough said....



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy, but very nice weekend coming up for the two of you. Good luck with your shopping... is wonderful! ...and have a wonderful weekend with your friends and family. :)

Always close in thought!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

Linda, do you hire Dave out? Travel,social, and shopping planner all in one.WOW! Just enjoy it, Linda, wait until year.I know you would love to do it all. You wonder woman!!
It sounds like you are holding you own right now. Maybe I shouldn't said that.
Well, back to me duties at home.
Love, Janet

Cheryl Jones said...

WOW!! I've been super busy and haven't had a moment to check up on you. I finally put some work aside and made the time to be sure everything is ok. I've missed so much!!

So very glad that things seem to be mostly under control right now. I do hope you get the blood pressure and pulse worries worked out better next round. Very scary stuff!

Have a great weekend, you two. I'll keep good thoughts for you as you head into your coming round of chemo.

Love to you both!!

Anonymous said...

Been checking on your progress & thinking about you both as the holidays drawn near. God bless you both and enjoy the season. I will continue to monitor your journey.

The Chaffees