Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday Evening...December 19th, 2007

A significant day.......

Today Linda and I met with the Community Education Coordinator for the St. Charles Cancer Treatment Center....we hadn't been aware of the support services and therapies offered at the Center. Actually I have known the Coordinator for many years through Wings and as a friend so building instant trust was there.

I was quickly aware of the emotional needs that I had been neglecting...being such a good all came out pretty fast and hard.....

I discovered (I think I already knew) that stress management and anxiety transformation are an important part of this we focused on "the relaxation response" and will practice that for the next few weeks....we will meet with our "coach " from time to time to see how we are doing....

We are also scheduled for Reiki sessions right after the first of the promote calm and well being...and stimulating healing inner body chemicals.....

And I will be meeting with a hospital counselor to assist in "my journey"...

I have practiced breathing numerous times this day and been listening to a CD on "Relieving Stress" by Belleruth Naparstek...I actually went beyond that and went to my ITUNES to seek out some Wings songs of significant meaning to me...

So quite a day....I'm not getting an instant "fix" will take a long I am practicing patience (A struggle for a "get it done" guy) body is pretty messed up by the imbalances of it all. Like I said, I "trust the process"...I'm "in".

Linda was right there every step of the way and is feeling pretty good for the "neutropenic week"...a bit weak but looking good in spite of it.....we are hoping for a good strong Christmas for her....

Thanks to all of you for your support...this is a "tough gig"...we didn't pick it out...Linda expressed her sadness of how happy and carefree people can be during these times and she has this burden...and then we talked again about Alex Zanardi, who in loosing his legs in an racing accident, saw the goodness and how fortunate he was to have survived and being able to do as much as he can even though he lost his inspiration..we hope some day to see him again..he was and is Linda's favorite driver of all times....

Anyway..."it is what it is" and we make the most of it and be better as a result of it.


PS...instead of "taking on the world" we all agreed that the "Healing Bridges" with soemthing "down the line" in a month or two..I talked with them today and they support the route we are taking.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that you will be doing Reiki. I have had great results with that! We can always find someone who is much better off in life than we are.....and there are many who have a much harder road. As usual, the two of you have given this journey your all. It is wonderful to hear that you have found some new approaches to help you along the way.

Anonymous said...

We all think, hey, I can do this on my own but we can't. I am so happy you found a network of people to help.

Anonymous said...

big big big big hugs to you both. I'm so happy as to be teary-eyed for y'all!!! It seems you've found a wonderful batch of help for all this. And it's always surprising (esp. to men... ;-) ) to learn how much energy emotional things like this take out of one...

I think of y'all often, wishing you calm and peace and easy moments of smiles and grace.

wrapping you BOTH in the golden aura of healing love
