Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Wednesday Evening.....December 26, 2007

It's been awhile since I've posted, so thought I'd give Dave a break.

This morning saw the departure of the families, with the exception of Janine, who leaves tomorrow. It was hard to say good-bye, but I know it was also wearing on me, having so much company. It was just so great to have all my family around me for the holidays. Dave and I went to bed early each night, letting them stay up playing cards, etc. I slept deep each night.

We woke up to a wonderland of snow this morning and blue skies, so it should have been a beautiful drive home over the pass for the kids.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. I am so grateful for mine and feel blessed to have so many loved ones in my family and friends.

Love and gratitude....Linda


Anonymous said...

We hope you both have a deep sleep tonight and "don't let the bed bugs bite".

Loveingly, Kay and John

Anonymous said...

Good to hear from you again, Linda. We enjoyed all your holiday faces! Send some snow our way.....ours melted right before Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Great to hear your Christmas celebration went well! Now we all look forward to a fresh start in 2008. Happy New Year to you both!

shelly & jason paul

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to my two dearest friends. I think of you daily and love you very much. Judy

Cheryl Jones said...

It's so great to read your comments and see them filled with happiness. I'm so glad the holidays have given you an injection of warmth, love and positivity. I hope it will help you both get through the rest of your treatments smoothly.

My love to you and Dave, as always.

Anonymous said...

...and this may sound weird, (...and so what's so new about that for me? ) but I'm blessed to be able to post these little blathers to you. The very activity of the writing/posting is very centering for me and has given me some insights about myself and my journey.

Breathe deeply and slowly in these days of winter -- nature is at rest, in a restorative phase. We can do likewise -- move slowly and with intent. Rest more. Contemplate and meditate and pray. And give our energies an opportunity to recharge and rebound. It's never a bad thing to allow the seasons to dictate our energy levels... :-)

Enjoy your snowscapes. And here's to a wonderful 2008 for you both!

Wrapping you in the warm glow of healing love,
