Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday....January 23rd....2011

Dave donated $500 in Linda's name to the Oregon Cancer Ski Out Bingo fundraiser night tonight.....and bought 1 bingo card for each of 6 rounds and won "squat"...oh well, who needs another Tshirt.....


Anonymous said...

Dave, bingo is a serious game and you need to equip yourself with a fancy bingo dauber next time...if you want to win that is.

Seriously, though, I want to say that Linda's celebration was incredible. Peaceful. Joyous. Loving. Amazing. Just like Linda.

Love you,
Niece Jen

PS - Thanks for making me kick the "baggage" last night. I decided to leave it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You and your family did a great
job on the celebration. I just
loved being in the front row and
the music. I didn't know a piano
could sound so good. I know Linda
was rocking to the music and singing along.

I enjoyed looking through the "faces of Linda" book at home
after the celebration. You captured it all. Some of those
expressions made me laugh...What
a women.

One word for you now!

