Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday...February 13th...2009

Finally made it to Portland...a long day....

Linda did her infusion today....somehow we misunderstood the chemical for was the Gemzar....we thought it was the Avastin.....oh well..she did well...son Jim was there to support her. Now she has next week off....the biggest side effect seems to be the fatigue...she has limited resources in "her tank", we so have to be careful....

We had a discussion with the oncologist about the coughing which is not a side effect of the chemo but rather a direct effect of the cancer...he is scheduling Linda to see a pulmonologist who will start from the cancer as the base...not an infection (been there..done that..too many is not is not is not TB).

We picked up grand daughter Jillian in Eugene and quizzed each other all the way to Portland...I mean, this kid is a straight "A" student..for the second time in a row....but she didn't know what happened 1 billion hours ago...answer..the stone age. She also didn't know it takes the US government a bit over 8 hours to spend a billion dollars.....but she nailed us on a few things too.

We stopped by the Wings Seminars building.....they are doing the couples seminar at this time...a seminar Linda and Dave have done many was special for Linda to see Kris and Kyle King and to remember the special impacts these two people and the seminars have had on her as she shaped her life's direction and focus. It was where she owned her personal contract which is: I am an open , powerful and courageous woman. When I hear this, I am reminded how well this has served and will serve Linda in her life's journeys....and challenges.

Happy Valentines Day to all...Linda and I have agreed to do something each Valentine's Day..we write each other a "love letter"...a letter of what we mean to each other and our dreams of being together and...and. It has been a very moving experience...and "real".

Enough...we spend three days with family...keeping a low profile....


Anonymous said...

Pictures....I want to see pictures of the weekend! I always enjoy seeing your smile, Linda. Happy Valentine's Day to the both of you. As a couple you represent the Hallmark Award for "genuine Valentine spirit." (Okay, so there isn't such an award, but you know what I mean.)
Linda, take it easy. David, put on your photo-journalist's hat.
P.S> Linda, has anyone ever told you that you look like Vanna White from Wheel of Fortune? It took me awhile, but every time she smiled, I kept on thinking, "That smile looks familiar.......oh she looks like Linda Wood."

Anonymous said...

I agree - I think you two are living a love letter. Your cousin could take a few pointers....Shar

Anonymous said...

It's Valentine's Day as catch up on your week. Your letters to us are all love letters and very moving. Your love for each other. Your love of life. Your love for your family. Your love for your friends.

We love you back.

Marge and Larry

Anonymous said...

Hi guys, A special Valentines wish for you both and enjoy this special time you spend together....the idea of the love letters is super! Love, kay and john