Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday...February 23rd...2009

A quiet day today.....Linda doing taxes....Dave doing medical payments and reviewing investments as well as writing an article for the National Smokejumper Association Magazine.

Where did the day go....where did Linda's cough go?

Linda starts the second cycle of treatment Friday....

That's about it....


Anonymous said...

Quiet days are good for the soul. Doing taxes and looking at investments.....not so much. Glad to read that you both had a good day.

Anonymous said...

Dear Linda,
Glad to hear you are getting some relief from the cough. Hang in there...glad you guys are breathing, it is the secret of dealing with almost anything. Thinking of you.
Kathy Ivanoff

Unknown said...

Knowing you two, "quiet" is what most of us would call a busy day...I am glad to hear that you are relaxing some and just enjoying the peace of your home and life together.

Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Looks like yesterday would seem like a "normal" day to some folks in that it appeared normal activities was going on out there in Sisters. How both need this R&R time. Love to you both, Kay and John

Cheryl Jones said...

Was good to talk to you yesterday (even if it was by accident!). ;-)

Hope you have a nice, peaceful day with nothing eventful to tell us about tomorrow. Take it easy, breathe and enjoy.

Love to you both, as always.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are getting a respite from the cough which is a blessing I know. Doing taxes ugh! Hope the government owes you money. In NE we are to have 50 degree wether than the bottom drops out again.One of these fine days maybe it will just stay at 50. Oh well, I can dream. This is Nebraska where we never know.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you're winning the battle this week!

As Marilyn mentioned a few days ago, we're buried in the snow again up here in Green Bay. And our shoveler (me) is already on strike. I need some more sunshine. So when you get to FL, send some our way, K?

I continue to update Jason on your progress on a nightly basis. Dave, he was very impressed by that smokejumper thing by the way!

Sending well wishes you way!

shelly & jason paul

Julie Miles said...

Hi you two...

I am sending you lots of love:)... Counting down the days until we (my Fam & I) fly down to Mexico. I am not sure if I told you but the house I rented in Sayulita is owned by a lady who lives in Bend.... Small world!

I am wanting and needing some sunshine... I now know why you love to go to Florida to soak up some sun...

Well I know Friday is a big day for you... I am sending you extra LUCK and good goo goo since it is my b-day that day. and I am "29"...... It will be good for both of us!

I love you so much....
