Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday...February 8th...2009

Linda woke up a bit fatigued today...but hasn't had too bad a day all in all....she has been on the phone a lot......daughter Janine left for home in Portland this afternoon.

My day has been kind of "funky" ie...a state of "funk"....

This three week period will be one of trial and error...seeing what the effects of the treatments will be....keeping Linda eating and drinking water...and resting.


Anonymous said...

It's apparent that the cancer doctors didn't realize with whom they were dealing. The Woods are back and they want action - these drugs sound promising, and you are in the right frame of committment and focus to absorb them and allow them to do their work. I can feel you are growing stronger already.

You are my hero Linda.

Dave, also a hero, is a mad scientist in disquise who can name and describe cancer fighting drugs - might be a little tired today from all the late night research!

God Bless you both.


Anonymous said...

Linda, glad to hear that you are doing so well under the circumstances. I sent some distant Reiki healing your way tonight. Dave, we have all had days that put us into Funksville. I am confident that you will rebound. You both did a lot in a very short amount of time to get the treatment plan in order. You wo never cease to amaze us out here.

Anonymous said...

..and Louise Hay's affirmation for today:

I am gentle with myself, knowing that I am doing the best I can with the knowledge and understanding I have.

Well. Doesn't that just sum things up? :-)

Wrapping you in that golden glow of healing love,


Anonymous said...

Just checking in to let you know that we're thinking of you and we hope this week goes by without a hitch.

Dave - take care of yourself too, and hope you get out of the "funk" you're in.

Jim and Swee

Julie Miles said...

Miss Linda,

It was great to talk with you last night. I am so glad the boys were able to talk to you as well. It is amazing when all of the kids can get home at once. They are all going in so many directions. They all LOVE you so much. You have always had a special place in their hearts. We talked about how much they loved spending Christmas at your house, and Kris remembers the year I was so sick, you and Jim had to take care of the boys for me. It seems so long ago! The boys are turning 16 in March. Where did the years go?

You sounded great!
I love you so much...and miss you.


Cheryl Jones said...

Dave - That funk you're in is natural. Deal with the feelings you're having, acknowledge them, let them out. You have a lot to handle and you already know what kind of situations you're likely to face during this process. It's only natural to get a bit overwhelmed by the thought of it all. BUT, you're a strong human being and you'll get through this and be there to give Linda the strong hand she needs to hold.

Linda - Hope you continue to feel okay and get through this with less hassle than you had last time. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hoping that you encounter the very minimum of side effects.

Thanks to you both for providing the drug info. You took one task off my plate for the day. I was ready to go out to the internet and look all those things up! Thank you for continuing to share and keep us all updated on everything, good, bad and in between.

Hang in there, guys. I know this is a lot to deal with, but you'll make it. Love to you both, as always.

Anonymous said...

It's a very peculiar year. It reminds me that life is much like the weather. Twenty minutes ago it was hailing here in LA during the rain storm. Now it is sunny, although there are terribly black clouds on the horizon. Nevertheless, we know that beyond those clouds, lies the sun again. And so it is with you.

Our love,

Marge and Larry

Wendy Soethe said...

How interesting those drugs sound and how much better I feel knowing how they work - it is great to have the explanations - thanks for putting them on the blog. It is so confusing to understand how you can fight against cancer but with some cancer cell killing meds and some power from above, I do believe it is possible. Honestly, if I was a bettin' woman, I'd have bet on the miracle over the science but you know, it seems like our maker has given some folks some really good brains to develop some really good methods for fighting this stuff. Well, I'm delirious from working too late last night so I'm off to bed early. Just wanted to say I love you.

Jennifer Saucy said...

Dave, you are a mad scientist at heart. I love how you educate yourself. Knowledge is power!
Thanks for offering to pick up Jillian on Friday. She will love to see you and I will make sure to give you the big hug I owe you when I do.
sounds like you are doing well. I have the best book for you to take home. Good writing, good story, but not too much to think about. It would be a good beach book. I think when you go to get chemo next time you should bring the book, your sunglasses, a beach hat, and your bikini and visualize a warm breeze and waves crashing against the sand. Sounds good to me!
Can't wait to see you.