Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wednesday...February 18th...2008

In my research the past few days on Linda's cough and all, I ran across the following an individual stated as part of a forum on lung cancer and everything associated with it....... I know God won't give me more than I can handle, but there are times I wish he didn't trust me so much!

I filed it in the back of my mind.....not knowing that today would is a day we mark down as one not to repeat....and it has nothing to do with the cancer and doctor visits and is about the "real world" being a bit difficult to deal with today....with our energies focused on Linda's health issues.

First...the health stuff.....Linda had a pulmonary test yesterday at the Pulmonologist office...the results were good..we had wondered if the cancer had diminished her lung appears not at this time. Today she was seen by the Pulmonologist. We spent a lot of time going over who had done what.....said what.....prescribed what......etc.....and looking at the latest scan of her the end, the explanation for what is going on appears quite simple. The cancer is causing the phlegm. The chemo treatments should reduce the cancer, therefore reducing the phlegm. In the short term, the doctor prescribed a low level narcotic to reduce the coughing..although it will not totally eliminate it. We discussed the "chicken and the egg"....will the coughing reduction create more phlegm and more problems or will more phlegm cause more coughing ...or...or. The doctor said there should not be a problem reducing the coughing. He also questioned the value of the Musinex...but told her to keep drinking water....

So we are on a plan for the cough....oh....we couldn't get the medication today as there was some confusion in the dosage..and..and. So tomorrow we can get Linda fixed up at the pharmacy (just another "thing" added to this "day of days".

So what is going on around us, in the "real world"?

A bunch of put it in a printable form.

We were in the midst of re upping our financing on Linda's construction project which hasn't sold...something about a bad economy. Anyway, our banker who we have followed through three different banks has been let have the entire commercial part of the bank, Linda has to deal with people in Portland who do not know her..she doesn't know is stressful and came to a head today.

Our broker was with Merrill Lynch...bought out by Bank of America...who imposed new rules...brokers bailed and went to Morgan Stanley ...easy? was just another bit of complications with that transfer to the day more forgettable.

And there was more today to make it a day to forget. Tomorrow we will wake up and address the day with new energy and a better attitude. Actually all in all, we did well today with all of the things that happened....we did remember to "breathe"...well, for the most part....

Tomorrow we will laugh.....and breathe.....

The above is a picture on the Wings-seminars web site....the personal growth seminars we have mentioned on this Blog....the picture has always intrigued me....and has had different meanings to me at different it means we have crossed over a difficult means we have to energy to meet any means there is no mountain high enough or an issue difficult enough to stop us.

I am also reminded of a piece of music in the seminars that I want to find and play....I cannot remember the name but a line in the song goes like this: "may we find peace in our bodies".....did I mention we were going to breathe?


Anonymous said...

That remembering to breathe part....I sometimes forgot to do that when I was still teaching and things got soooooo crazy. My body still goes into that shallow breathing thing on days like you had today. John can tell when I am in that mode and will remind me to breathe. It is so simple, but.....
Get to bed and rest up for all that laughing and deep breathing you two will be doing tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

A few quotes for your reading pleasure...just because it strikes me that there may be pearls and comfort in simple messages:

A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.
...Ralph Waldo Emerson

Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.
...same guy as above

If you don't paddle your own canoe, you don't move.
...Hepburn (speaking to Dave on staying up all night doing medical research)

Our life is frittered away by detail...simplify, simplify.

When a dog runs at you, whistle for him.

The mere sense of living is joy enough.

Hope is a thing with feathers, that perches on the soul.

A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature.
...Ralph Waldo Emerson

Love you dear friends!

Anonymous said...

Today is a new day... and it will be a much better day. :) Sending you lots of smiles and hugs!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on.".......
Jimmy Buffett

Another good one.

Cheryl Jones said...

I have those days, too, when everything gets crazy or ugly or just plain weird and I suddenly realize I haven't been breathing. It's amazing sometimes how great it can be to just breathe.

Sorry about all Linda's financial hassles. Seems to be a lot of that kind of thing going around right now. I'm sure you've seen news that even my company is laying off an awful lot of people. We're just hoping our department is small enough and attached to a profitable enough enterprise that we'll either stay under the radar or have justification for our existence. So far, so good.

Hope today is much, much calmer for you! Just breathe and keep moving forward. Love to you both, as always.

Anonymous said...

If there are valleys, there must also be peaks nearby. For dark to exist, there must also be light. May tomorrow bring you the ying to your yang.

shelly & jason paul

Anonymous said...

Hey guys. Just checking in on you from the Cancer Treatment Center. Your courage and honesty always inspires me. Sending prayers and good thoughts and good humor along this wacky path. Bingo! Love, Beth

Jennifer Saucy said...

I love that picture as well! I was glad to see the email from Chad getting you connected to the Hill. Maybe we can get some new answers or suggestions on how to win this war!
Dave, I just got my new skis today. I'm very excited to try them out. I will let you know how much I love/hate them.
My love to you both. It was nice to see you last weekend.
Hugs & Kisses,

PS Did I mention that we raise almost $1100 on Bingo Sunday for the cause! Yeah Team!