Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tuesday...February 3rd....2008

In 24 hours we board the plane for the trip back to Oregon.....everything is in place...Linda begins treatment 9 am on Thursday.....we pick up the meds today to help her in her travel. the oncology folks in Oregon have been super getting all in place.

The pulmonologist called yesterday and explained to Linda he hadn't called because he wanted to see the scan first....he was very suprised Linda had already discussed everything with her oncologist and everything was ready to go for treatment in Oregon. Brother Darron is picking up a disc of the scan for us to take back to Oregon...from the diagnostics clinic .....after his golf game this morning.

We have everything we are taking back to Oregon in one palce....will pack today and clean the house....tickets are printed....


Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip back tomorrow. We know you'll be in good hands at home, and you'll have your wonderful family close by too. :)

Take care, and know that you're always in our thoughts and prayers. Wish we were closer so that I could give you lots and lots of hugs!

Jim and Swee

Anonymous said...

We wish you a safe journey back to Sisters, although we are very sorry that you have to make the trip. As from the beginning, our thoughts and prayers are with you both as you meet this next challenge as you have the past — head on, with grace and courage. We’ll keep watching your blog to track your progress.

We are sorry that we didn’t get together while you were here this time — we’ll be sure to not miss out the next time.

We went locally through Jim, so didn’t get your cabin, but we are going on the cruise. As you know, we had wanted to go, but hadn’t signed up. The decision you had to make helped us rethink ours, and there was a cabin available. We’ll particularly think of you as we make this journey.

With best wishes and love,

Ann & Dick

Anonymous said...

Evidently that dr. don't know the Woods. You get things done yesterday. Hope everything goes great on the flight. No waiting this time. Our prayers and thoughts are with you both.
Love, Janet

Anonymous said...

I don't know you but want to wish you all the luck in the world, My daughter Danielle told me about you guys, and I am praying for your recovery and all the best to you and your husband.

Judi in California

Anonymous said...

Hopes and prayers and good thoughts are coming from Wisconsin. :)

Cheryl Jones said...

I don't know what to say today. I feel like nothing I can say will be quite enough. But, wanted you to know I visited.

Hope your flight home goes smoothly. I'm so glad you two are on the ball and have things ready to go as soon as you get there. No sense waiting around for doctors to get their own acts together. Put 'em to work!!

Love to you both, as always.

Anonymous said...

Linda, We are thinking about you today wishing you a safe journey...We will keep in touch in your blog, and look forward to seeing you soon. Your always in our thoughts and prayers!


Julie & Dr. Steve

Anonymous said...

When I was driving home from Fremont today, I saw this huge billboard and all it said was, BELIEVE IN A BETTER TOMORROW. I decided that was meant for me to pass on to you. So, Linda and Dave:

Love, hugs and prayers,
Ruth Ann

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking of you today a lot and can't wait to see you tomorrow so I can wrap you in my love. I'm so positive that this is just a hiccup in your life, and that you will beat this. Think good thoughts... it works. LOVE YOU TONS! Janine

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that the kids, Fang and I are thinking of you, and we are wishing you a better tomorrow. Mom is keeping us informed on what’s happening. You are in our prayers.

- Nephew Rich, Fang, Zhishang, & Brock

Anonymous said...

We just returned from our trip to Mexico. When I read your news the language going though my head cannot be written here in the comments. Now that I have taken some time to clean up my act, I am sending you positive energy and will keep you in my prayers.
You are a hero to me, Linda.

Anonymous said...

I want you both to know that I care about you very much. The news is really frustrating and I'd just like to remind you to keep your faith. You two are a very powerful couple, you can get through this, I know it. With Love, Amber.

Wendy Soethe said...

Hope you are resting peacefully tonight by now and have a good, smooth trip home tomorrow. I know you'll feel better being back with the folks that know you and your history for your treatment to beat this cancer. You probably don't want to come up and stay in Seattle for a prolonged visit (though you are welcome to any time!) but I keep thinking about all of the studies and advancement they may have up here at Fred Hutch. Please let me know if I can do anything to help.

Sylvia from Wings called to send her positive support for you and to let you know that they are all thinking about you at Wings and sending you good thoughts. They hope everything will go well and are sending lots of love.

One another note from granddaughter Taigen - she took her first swim lesson this evening (not counting the 'swim lessons' she had when she was a baby). She was the bravest of the bunch - taking after Grandma Linda right now with her courage.

Love you, Wendy, Chris and Taigen

Anonymous said...

Dearest Linda,
What is there to say except as you were before, you will be again in the prayers and thoughts of many who love and care for you and yours. My standing offer to assist with contacts at the Oregon Cancer Center (I know Knight fits in there somewhere)are but a phone call away. I had lunch with Dr. Druker not long ago, and I know he would respond immediately for you to have another opinion. As you know, they are aware of the latest and newest procedures that are now being utilized in the world of cancer treatment.

Our love and prayers,
Chad & Sharon

Julie Miles said...


I just read the comment Miss Jillian wrote to you last night. How sweet is she.... She loves you so much.
Anytime you want me to bring her to visit please let me know. We have a few 3 day weekends coming up.

Ilove you!
We love you!


Anonymous said...

Hi guys,

Kay and John are thinking of you as you wing your way home today. Sounds like things are in place for tomorrow (and tomorrow will come). We know that both of you will beat this thing and wanted you to know that the names Dave and Linda are always in our thought. We will cling to the blog to find out how you are both doing. Much love, Kay and John

Only Healthy Recipes said...

Hi Linda-Mom,
Thinking of you and Dave and wishing you safe travels on your way back to Bend. You and your family are in our prayers...always! Bret and Therese Madrigal

Anonymous said...

I will be praying for you tomorrow and always. I have thought of you so often and I am glad Brooke forwarded your blog so I can tell you what a special lady you have always been. You are one of the most positive people I know. Keep that up! May the Lord keep you safe. Love, Kathy One of your old sorority sisters. Blessing to you both.