Monday, July 20, 2009

Monday.....July 20th...2009

Dave and I had a successful day yesterday covering the open house at Brasada Ranch for the realtors. It was a beautiful day and we had a good turnout. Everybody loves the house, but I've yet to see anyone putting any money down. I had to come home and take a late nap as it wore me out, but I'm still determined to get this house ready this morning for an open house here this afternoon. We told our realtors for our personal home that if we're just hanging around the house, we'd put an open house sign out and see if we could attract any lookers.

I think my bronchitis is pretty much gone, but I still have some sinus infection I'm dealing with. People say it hangs on a while, so I should be patient. Patience has never been one of my virtues. I want us both well so we can do some more travelling.

I hope you're all enjoying your summer. Appreciate each day.

Love and gratitude.......Linda


Cheryl Jones said...

It's too hot to enjoy summer right now!! Spent the weekend sweltering at California Speedway for Dad's vintage race. Manic and Angel came out to visit Sunday, so it was nice to re-live some old Champ Car memories. We spoke kindly of the two of you (believe it or not!).

Glad you're getting over the cold a bit. Here's to good health and home sales!

Love to you both, as always.

Marjorie said...

Linda, thank you so much for your personal words and encouragement. Funny but just "appreciate each day" reminded me that the phone call I just had wasn't so bad. Life is good. Each day is a marvel. So are you.

Anonymous said...

Well Linda Lou, bronchitis and all you are working your tail off! You will look kind of funny without a tail. You are just amazing my dear.Hope you shake this cold soon. (Sell a house too!) Love ya,


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are on the better side of the bronchitis/sinus infection. Yes, you are teaching us all to appreciate each day, even if it doesn't always "all good." We have been helping my brother with a big move out to the lake house he has always dreamed of owning. I have learned from the experience that less is more and I had better start creating less around here...I have been at this house for 23 years and plan to start pitching out the unnecessary next week.
Take care and hope your travel plans start soon.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting better each day. Hope Dave is too!

Gene and I really enjoyed our visit with you. Just talking about good times was fun.

Get those houses sold and get up here to Portland so we can see you more often!

Nancy and Gene

Anonymous said...

Glad the Nebraska bug is letting up. Hope you both feel much better soon. Love, Darrell and Shar