Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Tuesday....July 21st...2009

Linda has a doctor appointment tomorrow with her primary doctor....an Internist....we want to get a handle on the blood pressure issues cropping up as well as pulse escalations...Linda is also checking on her hormones, etc..etc. Hopefully these side issues will be dealt with and then our focus can return to the cancer treatments.

Dave goes back to the surgeon tomorrow to have his mouth checked....he is looking for a followup "check off"..ie., everything ok.

Linda went to the Dentist today...we are moving forward to have her teeth bonding removed....which is quite old....and replaced with veneers. Dave had two of his done a couple of years ago and is very happy with the results. Because of insurance caps, Linda will have one veneer done along with a crown this insurance year (prior to October 1) and then the remainder done after October 1. If we get to return to Florida for October and November, Linda will have them done in December. This will definitely improve her smile...the Dentist was amazed that the bonding lasted this long.

Oh what a quiet day....no dog...no neighbors.....all of our windows and outside door to the master bedroom were thrown open....Linda got out of bed at 11 am and Dave slept until almost noon...HOW SWEET IT IS!!!!!!!!! The air was sweet and warm.....the noise of the creek was soft....we ate it up. More tomorrow......


Anonymous said...

Sounds like contentment has arrived and with it good health :)
Darrell and Shar

Anonymous said...

Mary here - just catching up and see I missed the call to come over and thump your neighbor. And I was just across the mountain, too. Will be back in Oregon in a couple of weeks or sooner if it's a dog emergency!

Love you,

Marjorie said...

What a wonderful day. I luxuriate in it with you. Nothing like true beauty of the real sounds of silence.